Monday, July 27, 2009

Google Analytics!

"Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites."

What this means for you and your website = A clearer understanding of visitor intent, find out what your customers are really looking for and speed up time to conversion using tools like:

Integrated with AdWords and AdSense
Track email campaigns, banner ads, offline ads and more.
Ecommerce reporting
Internal Site Search
Flash, video and social network application tracking
Geo Targeting
Share Custom Reports
Score Cards

Since the beginning of working on the web, clear visitor tracking has been a common request until now with Google Analytics. We have tried a variety of tools and solutions and feel this is the best and easiest to use. Statistics can be intimidating, but Google Analytic's tools make it fascinating! Don't be surprised if you find yourself browsing your stats regularly :)

If you would like us to add Google Analytics to your website or offer assistance reading your stats and converting them into actions for your web marketing, give us a call or send us an email.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Someone recently asked me what we are currently reading in the office:

So here is a list of where we have some of our bookmarks and rss feeds set here at Your Plan B.

1. Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix
2. The magazine is great and so is their website for news
3. Definitely a great start of the day for reading over a cup of coffee
4. In case you need a dose of funny!
5. Exactly what it says - photo disasters (another funny moment for your day)
6. If you are a web designer or programmer, this is a good place to bookmark.
7. A great resource for designers.
8. Jacob Nielson, author of Designing Web Usability, newsletter.
9. For those moments when you need a quick HTML refresher.
10."...trend spotters scan the globe for emerging consumer trends..."

Monday, July 13, 2009

YPBCo MEMBER PROFILE: Atalee Judy, Office Manager

You have more than likely spoken with Atalee if you have called our office. She is the friendly voice and helpful person who keeps all of us in line. PLUS she handles many of the HTML maintenance requests for clients. Out of the office, Atalee is the Artistic Director for her dance company, BreakBone DanceCo. NewCity choose her as "Top 5 Dance Shows by Chicago Companies" in 2008.

"Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. (thanks wikipedia)" And Atalee does just that and more! Check out her year in review for proof.

Your Plan B Company is proud of our team, our artists. Each one of our team members exercises their creativity not only in the office but outside of it as well. We believe it is essential to problem solving, design and development. You can see more of Atalee's creativity through the YPBCo client portfolio, as well as at her upcoming performances listed on her website, If you get a chance, we highly suggest buying your tickets now - her shows sell out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The pros and cons of advertising on your website has been debated over and over by webmasters and designers since the beginning of the internet. Many feel the ads can be too distracting to your message while others feel it is a great way to help support costs for the site. We, to be honest, are on the fence - enjoying designing ads and great placement on sites AND working with affiliates to help subsidize web costs. If you are considering placing advertisements on your site you have a couple options:

1. Banner Ads
You can sell space on your site or you can join a free banner exchange.

Selling space = Many of our entertainment clients offer ad space and have an ad rates sheet on their site.
For an example check out

Banner exchange = A banner exchange is a service that let you exchange banners with other members, you show banners for other members and they show banners for you, this way you get free advertising for your web site.
An example would be

2. Google AdSense
Google AdSense matches ads to your site's content and audience, and depending on the type of ad, you can earn money from clicks or impressions.

3. Affiliates
Affiliate marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts. These are generally free to set up if the company offers them. For example we are part of, and affiliate programs.

If you are ready to offer advertising on your website, remember you need to track your visitor statistics using a tool like google analytics. Advertisers want to know more detailed demographics to ensure they're hitting their target market and getting a return on their advertising dollars. Be prepared to share your visitor statistics with potential advertisers and to share reports with current clients.

Another consideration is how to manage your advertising. Consider something like OpenX or Google AdManager. Creating your own spreadsheet or script can be a headache once you have more than 10 advertisers to answer to on a regular basis.
