Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Online marketing plan

Despite what the calendar says, it isn't too early to start detailing your 2010 online marketing plan!

Consider important dates you need your site to be current. Or what about adding new social networking options? Sending out enewsletters - make sure all your communications are coordinated.

Now this online marketing plan doesn't have to be written in stone. We all know these types of due dates should be written in pencil so marketing yourself doesn't interrupt your work for your clients. BUT... it is good to have a plan, even if it is monthly reminders to keep things going. Otherwise you could end up at a prime marketing moment and not have all your ducks in a row.

We use Google Calendar as our marketing reminder tool. You can set up a calendar that just you or your team can see. Set up email reminders a few weeks before you need to finish something to help nudge your task list. You can use the existing major holidays calendar, add in your special events/conference/vacations.

And then add in when you are going to update things like: website, send enewsletter, facebook group postings, linked in profile updates or referrals, tweets, blogs etc. This will help organize your online marketing and keep your information current and moving forward to your prospective clients. Let Google be your trusty assistant. It takes a little time to set up and create the reminders now, but in June 2010 you will be happy you did :)

And let Your Plan B Company help update your website, enewsletters, social networks or print pieces to market your company or organization! We can even create or consult on your online marketing plan. Call 773-665-2552