A reminder about the news about your blogger.com account - Blogger.com is no longer supporting FTP publishing in Blogger after May 1, 2010. Blogger.com realizes that this will not necessarily be welcome news for some users, and they are committed to making the transition as seamless as possible.
For more details please visit: http://blogger-ftp.blogspot.com
What does this means for you?
Well, we need to discuss some options of how you can continue (or not) using blogger.com on your website. If you would like to continue using this tool, then we need to make some changes to how the blog shows up on your site.
Our suggestions are:
OPTION A: stop using the blog, either remove it or use it as an archive
OPTION B: migrate using the blogger.com tool to a yournamehere.blogspot.com
OPTION C: set up a subdomain and migrate the blog there (see blog.yourplanb.com for an example)
OPTION D: convert your site to a CMS solution like Drupal, Joomla or WordPress allowing you to edit all pages through your browser and use the included CMS blog tool (no longer using blogger.com)
And remember, on May 1, 2010 your blog will no longer work as is. So please, let's get a change in place sooner rather than later!