Monday, June 28, 2010

Your Plan B Company is now an Amazon Associate

Every day we get questions from up and coming student designers or clients who want to do more maintenance themselves or friends looking for an insiders we decided to make it easy and set up an Amazon Associates shop listing only the items we have bought and tried ourselves.

See the items we suggest ;)

And you should know, if you purchase from our Amazon Associate account, you help grow the office "fun-money-fund" which supports some of the team building, inspiring and silly things we do here at Your Plan B Company. Like (but not limited to) Easter Egg Dying, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Leif Erikson Day, Themed Dress Up Days, Earth Day, Halloween, Random Lunches ordered in, stress relief Dance Dance Revolution and Wii bowling!

Thank you for your support!
And keep asking us questions!