Monday, September 20, 2010

DavidB, not only a web designer, but also a photographer.

As a photographer, I always have a camera on me, and have since I was young. It has been fascinating to see the industry change over the years. With the advent of digital photography, you can save money in the long run - no film to buy, no processing to deal with. Hardware is still a consideration, and now you usually want some sort of editing software (I would only recommend Adobe products).

Until the internet became a household word, it was a challenge to share your photographs with the world. Then came the internet boom, and, as well as other photo sharing web sites. Flickr allows me to show my photos to the world, as well as help me track what photos were taken when. Flickr also allows you to track what camera was used for your photos, and look at other photos taken with the same make and
model of camera!

I have been able to discuss, comment, and ask advice of pro photographers, as well as hobbyist who surprise themselves finding that they can take great photos too. Many people would have never been able to show their photos to friends or other photographers until Flickr. You can still print photos too, though now the internet has high quality printing services - my favourite right now is

You may have seen some of DavidB's photos in the recent Beloit College Magazine! And on the Homecoming/Reunion postcard mailer.

If you need photos for your website, please give us a call. (Or if you just want to talk cameras!)