Monday, July 2, 2012 launch!

Every so often we get the chance to work with very talented friends to help showcase their artwork. is the creation of artist Helen Waters.  And if Sprout doesn't melt your heart, we don't know what will!

Sprout got his very own Word Press site so he can share his adventures with you!  Head over to meet Sprout and his friends.  While you are there pick up a Sprout coffee mug or cards :)

Sprout’s Story:
Sprout arrived very recently, and he lives in a tiny grassy spot surrounded by bushes and trees. There are lots of things he likes in his little home! He likes the soft dirt, and the smell of the leaves, and the blue sky. He thinks the rain is pretty but he doesn’t like that it makes him wet! Click here to read more about Sprout and his story.

Word Press is a great CMS solution for artists who need to showcase their artwork and keep their sites updated through an easy to use dashboard.  Give us a call to design a site with you!  Call 773-665-2552