Monday, September 10, 2012

Why we love Drupal!

Drupal is an open source Content Management System (CMS) that hit the scene in 2001 and really gained momentum in 2005.  It has a community of 630,000+ users and developers. Your Plan B Company is part of that number - we love going to DrupalCamp Chicago! Other groups using Drupal are: NATO, World Bank, Amnesty International, MTV UK, Sony's MusicBox, The Onion, Spread Firefox, and several political sites such as Vote Hillary and Draft Obama. IBM, NASA and Yahoo all use Drupal for their intranets (see " Why Yahoo! chose Drupal for an internal site"

Drupal is a great tool for complex and giant websites as well as smaller ones. Just one of the plusses for using Drupal is the easy to manage permissions and roles for the different types of admin and editor options. Drupal is also SEO friendly! Many of the SEO elements are installed by default.  Things like generating meaningful titles, meta data management overall and per page, specific modules just for managing SEO (like the SEO Checklist), and friendly URLs. Not to forget - the search tool! All you need to do is add your custom content and keep it fresh! Good SEO is more about content and less about trying to cheat the search engines IMHO.

So now you know a little more about Drupal, about why we love it and here are some current clients using it:
and soon!

If you are ready to convert your HTML, Flash or other CMS site into Drupal, give me a call to discuss your ideas and get things rolling for you 773-665-2552

And if you are ready to upgrade your 6.x Drupal site to the new Drupal 7.0 - give us a call to coordinate the upgrade planning. Read more about Drupal 7!

Learn More:

Personal note from JameyB: One fun sidenote is that I love the name Drupal because it is Dutch for "drop"! Having lived a year in Flemmish speaking Belgium, I think it is great that I can use a Dutch word everyday at work :)