Thursday, February 28, 2008

Choosing your keywords PART TWO

Did you try:

If you did, I bet you have a new list of keyword phrases you could target on all of the search engines. The service illustrates what we've told customers for years: not everyone is competing for the exact same keywords! There are literally 1000's of opportunities available for any business. Find YOUR niche, make sure it's one that people are looking for, then pursue it!

Bonus Tip: Some of the keywords are going to be much more competitive than others. For example, ranking well on the single word "travel" will be much more difficult than ranking in the top 10 for "Caribbean cruises." Remember that single keywords usually return the least targeted leads.

We know that the majority of web site owners are targeting the WRONG keywords. How did we reach this conclusion? Easy. A recent study showed that only 34% of web site owners knew enough to include a simple keyword meta tag on their web page! Therefore, just by adding a keyword meta tag AND properly optimizing the rest of the page for your keywords, you'll be doing far more than the 66% of web site owners have ever done! If you take the time to target the RIGHT keywords, we're guessing you'll be ahead of 99% of the world and you'll be generating more traffic with less effort. Work smarter, not harder is what we always say!