Friday, March 7, 2008

Catholic Chicago
March 8, 2008 through January 4, 2009 in the Skyline Gallery

The first in a series of exhibitions to explore the contributions of the city's religious communities, this exhibition illustrates how the experience of being Catholic in Chicago has transformed over time. Examined through a historical context, several themes-the parish, education, worship, social action, and community celebrations-will introduce and reveal the lives of Catholics, past and present.

Your Plan B Company was asked to develop the online photo essays (there will be 3 total) to accompany the in-house exhibit. Each essay includes photos, video, audio and subtitles. The goal is to engross the museum's online visitors and drive them to physically visit the exhibition through the online multimedia component to the current website. And from the results of the attendance - we are helping to meet this goal AND provide an entertaining and informative introduction online to the exhibit.