Monday, September 14, 2009

YPBCo MEMBER PROFILE: David Birdwell, Vice President and Art Director

If you didn't know already, DavidB loves cameras (and photography and photoshop)!

From his Nikon N2000 to his Olympus SP570UZ. From his mini poloroid to his 4 lens 3d camera. To his Fugi F30 and his cell phone camera, he is never without one! His theory is "you never know what you will see", so he always has at least one camera on him. And clients are asking him to handle the photography for them. Everything from MicciMicci bags to Alumni marketing to special events with clients, DavidB can be seen with his camera in hand... and his photos wind up on the web.

"Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. (thanks wikipedia)" And DavidB does just that and more! From winning a create-a-character with Warner Bros to having his pin designed for a special interest group to being chosen as the official alumni photographer for Beloit College's annual homecoming events, he is our go-to-guy for mock ups, designs and layouts....and photos!

Your Plan B Company is proud of our team, our artists. Each one of our team members exercises their creativity not only in the office but outside of it as well. We believe it is essential to problem solving, design and development. You can see more of DavidB's creativity through the YPBCo client portfolio, as well as his ongoing uploading of thousands of photos at his Flickr site!