Monday, August 9, 2010

Powerpoint - yes or no?

Thought you might like this article from the New York Times "We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint".

In an article that Cat had to read for class (from the New Yorker "Twilight of the Books - What will life be like if people stop reading?") there was this paragraph:

"In a study published this year, experimenters varied the way that people took in a PowerPoint presentation about the country of Mali. Those who were allowed to read silently were more likely to agree with the statement “The presentation was interesting,” and those who read along with an audiovisual commentary were more likely to agree with the statement “I did not learn anything from this presentation.” The silent readers remembered more, too, a finding in line with a series of British studies in which people who read transcripts of television newscasts, political programs, advertisements, and science shows recalled more information than those who had watched the shows themselves.


So the questions is - continue using Powerpoint, yes or no?

At Your Plan B Company we will work with what our clients need us to work with. (However, we would LOVE to stop using Powerpoint and try something about you?)