Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Holidays from the creative crew at Your Plan B Company!

Our favorite things about Thanksgiving...

JameyB: "It is my mother's favorite holiday, so she goes all out with a beautiful table, lots of people over and delicious food. I try my hardest to never miss the holiday at her house. My favorite food is pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top. I steal tiny slices all day so it doesn't look like an entire piece is missing all at once! Don't tell her or else she won't leave the pies out!!"

Cat: "Thanksgiving has always been a wonderful time to spend with my family and I treasure every year as I watch the family grow. Some of my favorite memories of Thanksgiving at my house are inviting friends from other parts of the world to partake in the tradition. It is fun to be able to share our culture with others in a warm and inviting way. Besides, who doesn't love bringing out jellied cranberries wiggling away on a lovely serving dish to see faces of astonishment? I know I do!"

DavidB: "I always love the colours this time of year. From the yellow leaves on the ground that swirl in the wind to soft lighting to overcast skies, this can be a good time to take fantastic photos! When I was young, I spent Thanksgivings in San Antonio, they just don't have the same fall colours - but Gradmother DID make an amazing Guacamole - not your traditional Thanksgiving food but, hey, it's Texas."

Some cool holiday sites: (a quick youtube of the show:

Happy Holidays from the creative crew at Your Plan B Company!