Monday, September 19, 2011

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Arrrgh! It be one of me favorite days - Talk Like A Pirate Day (September 19th).

What is this you ask?
Well, visit the Original TLAPD site from Cap'n Slappy and Ol' Chumbucket for all the details.

And then join me in some pirate humor for scurvy sea dogs!

Q: Why is the Jolly Roger grinning?
A: Because they crossed his funny bones! Arrgh!

Q; What happened when Redbeard the Pirate fell into the Blue Sea?
A: He got Marooned!

Q. What's a pirate's favorite socks?
A. Arrrrgyle!

And did you know?
3.14% of Sailors are Pi Rates :)

Arrrgh now go swab the deck you bilge rats!