Monday, June 15, 2009

Is that file too big for email?

Most email servers won't allow attachments over approx. 4MB
In today's world of 10 Megapixel cameras, file size has become an increasing problem.

If you can't email it, and you don't want to take the time and cost of burning a CD/DVD/flash drive and running down to the post Office to send 1 file, what can you do?

Enter your new friend - Dropbox - Secure online backup, sync and sharing made easy. Many file sharing tools and resources are very expensive, slow, and very often only for Windows - not DropBox. This valuable new tool allows you to have a free account, where you can store and even share folders full of files with other DropBox members.

It is easy to install on Mac and PC and Linux.

Just something to help get things done!