Monday, June 8, 2009

Online Security and YOU!

I am sure you have heard the news by now, the U.S. Army servers were hacked recently.
"The hackers used simple SQL Server injection techniques to gain access." Everyone and anyone can be hacked. Sometimes it is something simple and you don't even notice on your site or computer. Other times, like this one, a big the graphics change so everyone notices!

We thought it might be a good time to remind everyone about online security and some simple things you can do to avoid being hacked, have your computer get a virus or suffer identity theft:

- do not open email attachments from people you do not know
- do not use your birthday as your password
- do not use the same password for everything online
- try and use a combo of letters and numbers in your passwords
- keep an eye on your website, change the content regularly
- keep your software updated (both on your computer and your website CMS)
- be aware of 'free public Wi-Fi' connections
- back up your computer to avoid loosing anything IF you have problems

Remember to change your passwords a couple times a year. We suggest writing them in pencil in an address book. That way you can find the username/passwords easily and change them often. And if you see anything odd happening, contact your hosting provider right away!

If you are shopping, remember to look for the security lock or Verisign.
Always keep an eye on the credit card you use online. If you see something that shouldn't be there, contact your bank immediately!

Some other resources: